The Hunger Games Wiki

Welcome to The Hunger Games Wiki

Your favorite wiki that anyone can edit! For the book The Hunger Games

by Suzanne Collins

There are 743 articles that are currently in the making.

Please take a look at the Community Portal to post your ideas and comments for the wiki.

Contents (view all pages)

What's new

  • November 11th- 100 articles!
  • October 9th- 75 articles!
  • September 30th- 50 articles!
  • August 11th- 20 stubs started!
  • July 12th- Logo up!
  • July 8th- Getting pictures up slowly
  • July 7th- Working on a logo, have 2 stubs started.
  • July 7th- Video up!
  • July 6th- This wiki is created!

We need your help!

We need YOUR help expanding and adding articles to the wiki! If you can add or expand articles relating to the following, we would appreciate it!

And anything else!

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Hungergames poster Catching Fire

Featured article

It is quite obvious from the beginning that Prim loves all living creatures. Right in the first chapter of The Hunger Games, you met one of her hideous pets. Katniss explains quite convincingly that the cat-named Buttercup- is definitely a creature you would not want to come across on a dark night. When Primrose brought the poor cat home, Katniss tried to drown it right away. Of course, Prim would not hear of it. She refused to let the cat be drowned, and became its faithful guardian throughout the book. It would take only a devout lover of life to care for that thing.

Main Article:Primrose Everdeen

Quote of the Month

" Yes. This is the thing to remember when fear threatens to swallow me up. What I am about to do, whatever any of us are forced to endure, it is for them. It's to late for Rue, but it's not to late for those five little faces that looked up at me from the square in District 11. Not to late for Rory and Vick and Posy. Not to late for Prim."
Katniss Everdeen[src]

Featured Video

Catching Fire trailer!

